Smart Apps

Smart Apps

Scrollidea Digital Concierge

The welcome starts before the guest arrives.

Thanks to the Scrollidea Digital Concierge web-app, guests can interact with the hotel before, during and after their stay.

During the initial Setup we will work on the contents of the structure and in order to make them more effective to be usable on the web platform; the most interesting offers to push and the best upselling opportunities that can be proposed will be identified.

Technology human factor: Simple and intuitive navigation, geo-localized content, tips and trivia written by experts. Elimination of the card and with the new support functions for the check-in and the module for the reservation of the breakfast room, the operational management is combined with the comfort of the guest. The feed-back posts and during the stay will be a source of inspiration to satisfy your guests and a tool to improve brand reputation.

Scrollidea Smart Menu

The digital menu. Elegant and functional

Thanks to the Scrollidea Smart Menu web-app it is possible to independently create any type of menu. Guests will access in a simple and intuitive way via QR code. With Smart Menu there will no longer be any paper menu to sanitize; no printing fees; maximum simplicity and flexibility for updating your culinary proposals, all the usability that customers need to choose and decide their order. With the "device" module it is an effective solution for managing the Room Service in the room!

Scrollidea Smart Check-in

Modern, simple, fast and safe.

The "new normal" has brought a different sensitivity in people.

By gathering information before guests arrive, including privacy consents, you can organize work by significantly reducing check-in times and avoiding the "dreaded queues".

The web check-in procedure gives guests peace of mind, streamlines and makes the welcome more effective.

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